Donating blood is an act of love for others. And more than that, by making this gesture, the donor can give life and health hope to those who need it most. On November 20, 2021, the Bootminas Group had the pleasure of carrying out a blood donation campaign at the Hemocentro de Alfenas. Read below, 5 reasons that will make you a voluntary donor:

1. A single donation can save up to four lives

If you are in good health, donate. After all, it's a simple, quick and safe attitude that can help up to four people. It is worth remembering that when someone needs a blood transfusion, they can only count on the solidarity of other people.

2. There is no substitute for blood

Science has advanced a lot and made numerous discoveries. But no scientist has yet found another way to care for someone in need of blood, other than donation. There are some synthetic products that can even delay a transfusion, but this is a palliative and temporary method, which does not replace human blood.

3. There is no risk of contracting diseases during donation

In addition to all material used during collection being sterilized and disposable, all donation candidates are subjected to a clinical interview, where the donation criteria will be evaluated, according to the current legislation of the Ministry of Health/National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Therefore, there is no risk of contracting any disease during donation.

4. Your body quickly replenishes donated blood

An adult, whether male or female, has an average of five liters of blood in their body. And in one donation a maximum of 450 milliliters are collected. That is, less than 10% of all the blood in your body. This volume is replaced in 24 hours by the body.

5. The donor is entitled to a day off work

Volunteers who donate blood are entitled to a day off every 12 months worked, provided that the donation is duly proven, in accordance with the terms set out in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).

Source: Unimed

Bootminas Group: 235, Octávio Silva Barbosa Street – Industrial District – Guaxupé/MG, ZIP Code: 37800-000
Phones: +55 (35) 3552-4915 | 3552-4934 | 3552-4516